Preparing For Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift is a significant body contouring cosmetic surgery procedure that can create more youthful and perkier breasts. The procedure can be conducted independently or along with breast implant surgery in some cases. A detailed preparation process will precede the surgery, which is vital to achieving a successful result.

The surgeon will help and provide guidance to the patient in the preparation stage and will work closely with her during the surgery and recovery. Remarkable, prudent, and board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom provides breast lift to patients in Chicago, IL, and others towns and suburbs in The Land of Lincoln.

Understanding the Patient’s Goals

The person who can best explain the reasons for choosing a breast lift surgery is the patient herself. She should feel free to share her cosmetic goals and requirements, and discuss whether she is displeased about the size or sagging of her breasts, or both.

A surgery such as a breast lift has both emotional and physical impacts, and the patient should not choose this procedure under any type of pressure. She should have focused goals and a positive frame of mind about the procedure. The breast surgeon will provide guidance and support in this process through the preparatory phase.

Discussing with Past Patients

In preparation for the breast lift plastic surgery, the candidate should preferably interact with other women who have received a breast lift and are open to sharing their views and experiences. Platforms such as RealSelf, Facebook, and various online forums and website provide a chance for breast lift candidates to connect with other patients.

This can help the patient receive practical advice on the breast lift procedure. Understanding what others have experienced first-hand and garnering community support can assist a woman to prepare better for a breast lift surgery.

Determining Candidacy

The surgeon will establish a woman’s candidacy prior to suggesting a breast lift procedure. The patient should have a stable body weight and good overall health. Further, the patient should not be planning a pregnancy or a significant weight loss program in the short-term.

The surgeon will help the patient in developing a realistic view of the surgery and advise her to review several before and after images prior to the surgery. In some, cases, specialized mammograms may be ordered by the surgeon.

Before the Surgery

In preparation for the breast lift surgery, the patient will have to follow certain guidelines as enlisted below:

  • Quit smoking for some time before the surgery to reduce the risk of poor recovery.
  • Avoid using specific herbal supplements, blood thinning drugs, and other medications for a minimum of two weeks before the surgery as advised by the surgeon.
  • Change the schedule of existing prescription medicines as advised by the surgeon or the primary care physician.
  • Arrange for transport and aftercare after the breast lift procedure.
  • Plan to take at least a week off from the workplace for a comfortable recovery at home.

Pragmatic and dignified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom receives patients from Chicago, IL, and other neighborhoods and communities in this region of the Midwest for breast lift surgery.