What is the Price Tag for a Facelift?

Facelift cosmetic surgery can address the damaging impact that time, stress, and aging have on an individual’s face.

The costs of a facelift differ depending on the surgeon and the geographical location of the practice. The surgery also involves costs related to anesthesia, prescription meds, and medical exams.

Patients considering a rhytidectomy should discuss the estimated cost of the procedure with their surgeon. Committed board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom provides facelift surgery to patients in Chicago, IL, and surrounding locations in this part of the country.

Factors Impacting the Price Tag for a Facelift

The financial impact of a facelift can differ significantly among patients. Various factors impact the overall costs of a facelift. Estimated financial stipulations will take many variables into account, including:

Type of Facelift Technique

There are many types of facelift procedures which target specific aging signs and enhance the appearance of particular features of the face. A traditional full facelift usually costs more than a mini or mid facelift.

The difference is due to the more extensive nature of a full facelift. Advanced facelift approaches, such as endoscopic facelifts, could sometimes cost more than traditional facelifts.

Type of Anesthesia

Patients may undergo a facelift plastic surgery under either local or general anesthesia, depending on the situation. In most cases, general anesthesia will be more expensive than local anesthesia. The fees of the anesthesiologist will vary according to their experience and qualifications.

Additional Procedures

Many patients choose to undergo a facelift with other surgeries for more complete outcomes. The monetary amount of these additional procedures is not included in the dollar figure estimates for the facelift surgery.

Surgeon’s Experience and Reputation

A plastic surgeon with vast experience in facial surgery will charge more than a more inexperienced surgeon working under the supervision of a senior surgeon. But many patients choose to bear the extra cost for the safe, predictable, and aesthetically appealing outcomes that an experienced surgeon can provide.

Geographical Location

The geographical location of a practice impacts the cost of various procedures, including facelift surgery. In general, busy metropolitan areas will have a higher cost of cosmetic procedures in comparison to small, interior towns.

Extent of Treatment

Depending on the patient’s facelift goals, they may undergo one of the following procedures:

  • A lower facelift which addresses the jawline, jowls, and neck.
  • A mid facelift which corrects the region surrounding the nose, mouth, and eyes.
  • A brow lift which treats folds and droopy skin in the brow area.
  • A full facelift involves various elements of a mid facelift, brow lift, and lower facelift.

The cost of the facelift will differ depending on the complexity and scope of the procedure.

Payment Methods

Facelift surgery is an elective procedure which means that the patient will not receive insurance coverage for this surgery. During their initial consultation, the patient should understand in detail about the payment methods available to them.

A majority of surgeons accept check, cash, and credit cards. Certain practices may also offer substantial discounts if the patient pays for the procedure up front. Successful cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom receives patients from Chicago, IL, and other cities and communities across the horizon for facelift.