What is a Neck Lift?

In cosmetic medicine, neck lift surgery (along with facelift) is one of the more transformative procedures to enhance an individual’s appearance.

A reliable surgeon can use the neck lift cosmetic surgery to eliminate excess skin, and fatty deposits from the neck region and they may restructure the underlying neck muscles as well. This can significantly improve the patient’s neck and face profile.

A neck lift is considered a safe and predictable procedure, provided it is performed by a qualified surgeon. Developments in surgical techniques and technologies over the last ten years have made it possible to perform a neck surgery with minimal cuts and scarring while providing the patient with natural looking, beautiful outcomes.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom provides neck lift surgery to patients in Chicago, IL, and surrounding communities.

Suitable Candidates

Suitable candidates for neck lift surgery include individuals between 35 and 75 years of age. These candidates may seek to address:

  • Neck skin damaged by the wind or sun
  • Triple or double chin (fat beneath the chin)
  • Turkey wattle neck (sagging, loose neck skin)
  • Jowls (fat or excessive skin beneath the jaws)
  • Excess neck skin or fat

The Procedure

A neck lift is a fairly simple procedure that takes around two hours to complete. The anesthesia type used depends primarily on the choice of the patient and the surgeon. A majority of patients undergo the procedure under local anesthesia with sedation. But some patients choose to be asleep during the surgery and undergo general anesthesia.

The extent of the neck lift depends on the specific needs and objectives of a particular patient. Sometimes patients may be able to attain desirable outcomes with only liposuction. This involves the elimination of excess fatty pockets from the neck area.

To achieve more remarkable outcomes, the surgeon may remove extra skin and fat while tightening and modifying the underlying neck muscles. Many times, neck lift plastic surgery is carried out along with other facial surgical procedures such as brow lift, facelift, and eyelid surgery.

Advanced neck lift techniques and technologies enable surgeons to undertake the neck lift surgery by placing tiny incisions. The surgeon typically places these incisions inconspicuously underneath the chin or behind the years.

They will then remove excess fat through these incisions either by liposuction or surgically. The patient may also choose to have slack neck muscles tightened as well. Sometimes, the surgeon may excise a small part of the platysma muscle as well.

After the surgeon completes the removal and tightening work on the neck, they pull the skin taut and seal the incisions. They will also excise any extra skin at this juncture.

Cosmetic Advantages

A neck lift surgery can eliminate loose “bands” of fat and skin that appear on the neck as a person ages. Furthermore, it can sculpt the jawline as well as mitigate the “jowly” look that may occur in some cases.

While this procedure cannot take the skin back to its original, youthful state, it can certainly make a person appear many years younger. Prudent cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom receives patients from Chicago, IL, and nearby areas in this region of the Midwest for neck lift.